
// FILE. . . . . /home/hak/ilt/src/ilog/rif/Lexicon.java
// EDIT BY . . . Hassan Ait-Kaci
// ON MACHINE. . 4j4zn71
// STARTED ON. . Thu Apr 03 13:44:34 2008

package ilog.rif.bld;

This is a simple lexicon class implementing a very basic token discriminator for the tokenizer in Tokenizer.java.

Author:  Hassan Aït-Kaci
Copyright:  © 2006 ILOG, Inc.
Version:  Last modified on Mon Apr 07 14:14:41 2008 by hak

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;

class Lexicon

Returns true iff the specified string starts with a question mark, and every other character is a word character.

  public final static boolean isVariable (String s)
      char c = s.charAt(0);

      if (c != '?')
        return false;

      for (int i=1; i<s.length(); i++)
            c = s.charAt(i);
            if (!Character.isLetterOrDigit(c) && c != '_')
              return false;

      return true;


The following is a store for BLD reserved words.

  public static final HashSet reserved = new HashSet();


Returns true iff the specified string is a reserved RCL word.

  public final static boolean isReserved (String word)
      return reserved.contains(word);


Declares the specified string as a reserved word.

  static final void reserved (String word)


This file was generated on Thu Feb 17 16:55:59 PST 2011 from file Lexicon.java
by the ilog.language.tools.Hilite Java tool written by Hassan Aït-Kaci