
// FILE. . . . . /cygdrive/c/cygwin/home/hak/ilt/src/ilog/rif/RCL_valobj.grm
// EDIT BY . . . Hassan Ait-Kaci
// ON MACHINE. . 4j4zn71.Ilog.Biz
// STARTED ON. . Tue Sep 19 07:29:27 2006

// Last modified on Tue Oct 24 09:58:55 2006 by hak

// Rules for Con that differentiate between values (numbers) and
// objects.

// Con ::= Data | Ind
// Data ::= Value
// Ind ::= Name

These rules for $Con$ differentiate among two sorts of constants: $Data$ which are $Value$s and individual that are $Name$s.

  : Data

This denotes valued constants (e.g., numbers, etc., ...).

    [ rcl:Data 1 ]
  | Ind

This denotes individual constants (e.g., object referents).

    [ rcl:Ind 1 ]

This denotes valued constants (e.g., numbers, etc., ...).

  : Value

This denotes individual constants (e.g., object referents).

  : Name
    [ Object 1 ]

This file was generated on Mon Mar 31 17:18:18 PDT 2008 from file RCL_valobj.grm
by the ilog.language.tools.Hilite Java tool written by Hassan Aït-Kaci