
// Additional rule for LITFORM:

// LITFORM  ::= 'Naf' Atom

  : 'Naf' Atom

$Naf$ denotes negation as failure in one of its incarnations (well-founded or stable-model). The actual flavor of Naf is determined by inspecting the value of a semantic tag associated with the ruleset. Naf is used in LP (and in queries and constraints over the intended models of LP); it can possibly be relevant to PR and RR.

Its XML serialization form is:

         (XML serialization of $Atom$)

     [ rcl:Naf 2 ]     // XML serialization pattern

This file was generated on Mon Mar 31 17:18:18 PDT 2008 from file RCL_naf.grm
by the ilog.language.tools.Hilite Java tool written by Hassan Aït-Kaci